Catalina Ossa masturbates with giving a handjob at the same time

Yes, Catalina Ossa gets a little worked up in her nether regions while giving a handjob, so she has to continue jerking a dick with one hand while using the other hand to attend to her horny pussy. Now, before I go any further with this blog post, I shall inform you that you can go ahead and watch the Catalina Ossa handjob video right now, simply by clicking the preceding link, or you can read on.

For those that have read on–instead of choosing to watch the Catalina Ossa handjob video–I suppose I should think of something clever to say, as a reward for doing so; however, nothing clever comes to mind, but those red fingernails (see the pic above) of Catalina Ossa’s sure do have my attention. Yourself?

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