It has admittedly been a long while since I posted something new from my porn bookmark collection, sorry about that, but life sometimes has other plans. However, I have finally found some free time to post an update, which was inspired by this post on the adult industry board,

To save you from having to read the post  — it was all about free porn tubes that are able to bypass adult filters at work, and in countries that restrict the viewing of pornography as well. This is accomplished by placing porn tubes upon generic sounding mainstream domains vs. porn related domain names which are the norm, of course. A brilliant strategy, I thought, so I went out in search of these types of sites, and I manged to find a handful that I thought to share with you.

So, without further adieu…here are 5 porn sites that you wouldn’t think were adult porn tubes while looking at their domain names but that is indeed what they are.

  1. tops the list because the domain name has had me laughing for hours. Now, I’m not sure about hooking the big one on this site; however, the chance of landing some pussy is not in doubt.
  2. is another site that gave me a chuckle, so I slotted them into the second position…not that the order has any relevance to what you will find on the inside of these sites.
  3. seems to have a certain alien feel to it, and, now that I think of it, so does this entire porn tubes hosted on mainstream domains concept.
  4. is probably hoping to catch on with all the nerds that have been looking for a way to watch their porn while (supposedly) working on other things besides getting hard dicks. Oh well, what HR doesn’t know is not going to hurt them. 🙂
  5. would be better off being named tossed salad; however, that name is unlikely to make it pass the XXX filters at work, so world salad it is then!

And that was my initial foray into the strange world of hosting XXX adult material on rather innocuous sounding domain names. Now, if you will excuse me…I have to see if there are any more sites like this lot on the Internet, because I just need to know these things. Cheers!

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